6 Tests for the Government's Climate Change Bill

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The elements stakeholders have identified as key to a striong climate law. A yardstick for evaluating the Government's forthcoming Bill

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As we wait for the Government's Climate Change Bill to be finalised and published, this document sets out the elements of legislation that various stakeholders have identified over the last six years as being key to its effectiveness.

These then will be the six tests of the strength of a Climate Change Bill

  1. Is there a 2050 target? Is it 80%?
  2. Are there interim targets? Are they "Carbon Budgets"?
  3. Is there an independent expert advisory council?
  4. Does the Bill place overall responsibility for climate policy on the Taoiseach? (Or move climate from the Dept of Env. to Dept of Energy?)
  5. Does the Bill provide for a limit on the use of carbon credits (offsets)?Does the Bill cover emissions from the whole economy (including ETS)?

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