Press Releases

Europe must change tack to save UN climate talks in Montreal

Friends of the Earth has written to European environment ministers in advance of their arrival in Montreal calling …

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Friends of the Earth Condemns EPA Decision on Incinerators

Friends of the Earth Condemns EPA Decision on Incinerators PDs must now uphold their election promise Friends of the …

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EU needs strong chemicals regulation.

  EU needs strong chemicals regulation. (Saturday 5th Nov - Dublin) Today, Friends of the Earth Ireland demonstrated with body paint …

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Duncan Stewart welcomes launch of Climate Pledge campaign

TV presenter and architect Duncan Stewart has welcomed the launch of Friends of the Earth's Climate Pledge Campaign. …

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EU Environment Ministers challenged to do more on climate change

LUXEMBOURG/BRUSSELS, 17 OCTOBER 2005 -- As EU Environment Ministers agreed their approach to UN climate …

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Climate Pledge Campaign launched

Friends of the Earth launched a campaign today to get all 166 TDs in the Dail to sign a Climate Pledge promising Ireland will do its fair …

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