Press Releases

Time to Double the Plastic Bag Tax

Time to Double the Plastic Bag Tax Effect is wearing thin on fourth anniversary Friends of the Earth today called for the 15c levy on …

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EPA's greenhouse gas figures call for radical response

New EPA figures mean we must radically overhaul our economic, energy and environmental policies if Ireland is to do its …

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Government ignoring threat of climate change

Friends of the Earth today criticised the government for inaction in the face of the growing threat of climate change. "The …

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Montreal deal is an historic step forward - Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth has welcomed the outcome of the UN climate talks as an historic step forward. The …

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Budget - Stealth tax introduced to buy carbon credits

Friends of the Earth has described the allocation of €20 million to a Carbon Fund by Minister Cowen in today's …

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Ministers in Montreal must rescue climate talks

Ministers arriving in Montreal for the UN Climate Talks must push ahead for international action and not allow the US …

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Showing 356 - 361 of 367