Mothers to take over Grafton Street to demand a stop to the proposed expansion of Dublin Airport as climate breakdown intensifies

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A group of mothers, who are part of the climate action group, Mothers’ Rebellion Ireland, will on Saturday 25th May, take over Dublin’s Grafton Street to protest against the expansion of Dublin Airport which, if it goes ahead, will make climate breakdown, which has already reached crisis point, even worse.

The group will gather on Grafton Street in Dublin at 12 noon where they will stage a peaceful sit-in and call on political leaders to remember that climate breakdown and biodiversity loss are issues of critical weight to voters in advance of the local and EU elections. Saturday’s action on Grafton Street will form part of a global climate protest involving mothers from six continents, entitled the Global Mothers’ Rebellion [1].

Saturday’s Mothers’ Rebellion action in Dublin is supported by several groups and coalitions in Ireland including Friends of the Earth Ireland and the Climate Justice Coalition Ireland. It is also part of the Week of Action called by Friends of the Earth Ireland in the lead up to the local and European elections on June 7th to encourage candidates and voters to remember the crucial importance of climate and environmental issues for both people and the planet.

Major airports such as Dublin airport are fuelling the climate crisis and are also responsible for a significant level of additional environmental impact from noise, air quality, traffic and other emissions. The vast majority of the world does not fly on a frequent basis. Only around 10% of the world flew in 2018 and the wealthiest 1% of flyers contribute to a huge 50% of aviation emissions [2].

Louise O’Leary, a concerned mother from Terenure and spokesperson for Mothers’ Rebellion Ireland said: 

“There are so many of us trying our best to do right by the children in our lives. We’re trying to make positive changes for climate action in our communities, and in how we live and work, so that our children can have the best chance at a future. We know we don't have time to waste when it comes to climate action.  So it's really distressing, as a parent, to see efforts like the Dublin airport expansion application which would massively increase emissions and pollution at a time when we need to be doing the exact opposite to secure a safer, healthier and livable future for our children and grandchildren."

Tracie Vance, who is also a spokesperson for Mothers’ Rebellion Ireland said:

“I’m proud to be part of this action in Ireland, joining Mother’s Rebellion groups on six continents who are fighting for a sustainable present and future for the current and coming generations. We’re taking action because we want to be able to look our children in the eyes and say we’re doing all we can. It is no coincidence this takes place on African Freedom Day to show solidarity with our sisters in the Global South, who are already suffering the effects of climate breakdown where they live. The choices that have been made and continue to be made by wealthy nations are directly responsible for this suffering".



  1. Mothers’ Rebellion is a growing movement of women on six continents, who are taking peaceful action to highlight the impact of the climate crisis on future generations. A core focus of the Mothers’ Rebellion Ireland group is opposing the industry-led push to expand Dublin airport, which would increase greenhouse gas emissions in the context of a global climate catastrophe. Saturday’s global Mothers’ Rebellion action will be the fifth such global action and will be the first action that includes a Mothers’ Rebellion Ireland group. 
  2. See