Friends of the Earth Receives Cross-Party Support for Policy Proposals to Tackle Energy Poverty

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Friends of the Earth Receives Cross-Party Support for Policy Proposals to Tackle Energy Poverty

Friends of the Earth has received cross-party endorsement for its policy proposals to tackle energy poverty and reduce reliance on fossil fuels for home heating, in a new report published by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection, Community, Rural Development and the Islands.

The Committee's "Report on Energy Poverty" includes 41 recommendations to Government many of which align closely with the proposals presented to the Committee by Friends of the Earth earlier this year, and comes as th government convenes stakeholders in the Convention Centre Dublin on Monday 24th next to advise on the development of a new Energy Poverty Action Plan.

Clare O’Connor, Energy Policy Officer at Friends of the Earth:

“It’s a significant win to see our policy proposals on a just energy transition receive cross-party support and be included in the Joint Committee's report on Energy Poverty. This includes recommendations for ramped up ambition on social housing retrofitting, the introduction of community energy advice services in every local authority, reducing the operational costs of heat pumps, and introducing an Energy Guarantee Scheme to ensure every household can meet its energy needs.

This is a step forward in our efforts to ensure that no household in Ireland is left out in the cold due to high energy costs, fossil fuel dependence, and inefficient housing. The recommendations put forth by the Committee reflect a thorough understanding of the multifaceted nature of energy poverty and the urgent need for comprehensive, targeted solutions.

“This report underscores the importance of a whole-of-government approach and the necessity of involving civil society in the development and implementation of effective and equitable policies. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with policymakers to ensure these recommendations are implemented swiftly and effectively, particularly in light of the government Energy Poverty Action Plan currently in development.

Friends of the Earth will continue to advocate for the rapid implementation of these recommendations to ensure that the commitments made translate into real, tangible benefits for those in energy poverty, ultimately leading to warm homes for all.”



  1. The Oireachtas Committee report is available here:

  2. Friends of the Earth opening statement to the committee on Social Protection, Community, Rural Development and the Islands is available here: