Spring Sunrise Sea Swim

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Don't you just love a challenge!

Join our next seasonal gathering on Saturday March 21st at Seapoint in Dublin for sunrise at 6.15am.

This event is free, register at the link to connect with other sunrise sea swimmers!

We began our seasonal sea swims last June, on the summer solstice - and in two weeks time we'll be on our fourth - coming full circle.

Spending time in nature is good for our mental and physical health. And swimming in cold water also builds resilience! At first, the cold water can be a shock - but enduring challenges like this on a regular basis makes us stronger. Each time it gets easier.

And coupled with that, spending time with people who share our values, concerns and vision for a better world builds and strengthens community.

This is a particularly important medicine for those of us stepping up to act on climate. We need a strong, resilient community so we can face big challenges head on, together.

Moyee Coffee will be joining us again, so bring your reusable cups and some snacks to share around.

Everyone swims at their own risk, safety is top priority.

If you can't join us at Seapoint, we invite you to gather with your community, wherever you are and do something in nature to mark and celebrate the new season.