Register now for Mobilise.Resist.Transform. - A 6 week Introduction to Environmental Issues

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You know the environment is important, otherwise why would you be reading this? Perhaps you have an inkling that it's much more important than most people seem to think...but you don't really know how to articulate the issues. You know the general assumptions of society are at least partly to blame;

  • That the climate is changing and it's hurting those who are most vulnerable the most
  • That we're plundering the Earth's resources for economic gain
  • That we are becoming more and more detached from where our food comes from
  • That the amount of plastic we're creating is unsustainable
  • That endless economic growth on a finite planet is untenable
  • That there is an element of injustice inherent in all environmental and climate issues

...but you've never really delved into them before. Perhaps you have watched a few documentaries but don't know where to start in order to make a change, and that can be a lonely, scary place. So maybe you need to feel part of a community to feel supported enough to try to make those changes?

If any or all of this sounds like you, then register now to take part in Mobilise.Resist.Transform - a 6 week evening course run by Friends of the Earth.

Register by emailing, including your name and phone number.

This course aims to offer a space to explore the environmental issues of our time; Climate Change, Fossil Fuels and Resource Extraction, Industrial Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Waste and Consumerism, Neoliberalism and Growth and Environmental and Climate Justice.

The sessions will primarily be facilitated in a participatory, development education style which recognises the value of input from all participants, acknowledging the importance of listening to different experiences. Ways of working can in themselves be an act of revolution, so in our sessions we will be using activities that recognise the whole person, not just the intellect, and we will strive to always confront oppression and privilege. Thus, the sessions will, for the most part, not be lecture style, but will employ creative methodologies and interaction. We will also endeavour to have the input of guest speakers in relevant sessions.

The course will run for Wednesdays, from November 1st to December 6th, in the Lantern Centre, Synge Street, Dublin 8, from 6:30 (sharp) to 9pm.

To cover the cost of the space, we will be asking for a contribution of €20 for those in employment and €10 for those unwaged or students. This is payable once you register by emailing

There are a limited number of places so register quickly if you are interested!

Oh, and if you know of someone interested who may not be on this list, please forward this email to them.

Once again, you can register by emailing


P.S. We will be running a follow up course in the Spring on Activism Skills, where we will be running 3 day-long sessions; the first on hard skills (such as developing an action), the second on soft skills (such as communication), and the third on movement-building (such as facilitating a meeting), all in an effort to support you to take action on the issues you care about. Dates TBC!