January 16, 2025 View all news Real test is how new Government delivers faster and fairer climate action consistent with national and EU obligationsThe Programme for Government released yesterday confirms the incoming Coalition’s commitment to the legally-binding limits on climate pollution adopted by the last Dáil and agreed with Ireland’s EU partners. But according to Friends of the Earth it doesn’t detail enough policies and measures to reduce emissions fast enough to fulfil that commitment. The draft Programme contains several climate-related commitments across energy, transport, housing and agriculture. Some of these represent a clear continuation of existing policy but there are also contradictions, ambiguities and weaknesses.Friends of the Earth intends to undertake further detailed analysis of the Programme’s climate commitments. Our initial reactions on certain sectors are as follows.Commenting on the Programme, Friends of the Earth Chief Executive, Oisín Coghlan, said:“This Programme for Government risks falling into 'Climate Cakeism' - having the established climate targets in there but wanting your pollution too. I'm glad the Programme reflects and accepts the law of the land by affirming the Government's commitment to the 51% emissions reduction by 2030, net-zero by 2050 at the latest, and an annual Climate Action Plan. That's all in the 2021 Climate Act. “What's worrying is that the Programme doesn't contain enough specific concrete actions to deliver the required reductions. There are encouraging words in some areas but there is also a lot of ambiguity and vagueness. The real test will be what the Government does over the next six months and the next five years. And under the climate law there will be plenty of opportunities to hold them to account for that.”Sorcha Tunney, Head of Campaigns for Friends of the Earth, said:“The pursuit of economic development and digital competitiveness cannot come at the expense of climate and environmental justice. It is notable that ‘Artificial Intelligence’ is mentioned 13 times in this draft programme. This Government must not simply ‘genuflect at the altar’ of AI and big tech. It is a myopic focus on growth at all costs both nationally and internationally that has fuelled the climate crisis before us.“Data centre growth is already undermining our climate obligations and energy security, and locking in fossil gas. There is an obvious contradiction between the Government’s notable commitment to develop data centres ‘in alignment with our decarbonisation objectives’, on the one hand, but on the other hand it wants to turn Ireland into ‘the most secure location for data storage’ in the EU. “The programme fails to outline how the Government intends to regulate data centres to align with our decarbonisation goals. This oversight implies that the Government may continue to permit direct connections to the gas grid, allowing the construction of on-site gas generators. Such actions would lead to increased gas consumption, entrenching our reliance on fossil fuels. Friends of the Earth has urged the new Government to halt the approval of additional data centres until the significant threats they pose to our climate and energy security are effectively addressed.”Jerry Mac Evilly, Head of Policy for Friends of the Earth said:“The Programme contains significant commitments to radically reduce reliance on polluting, expensive fossil fuels - these pledges demand not only greater renewable development but also clear legislative and policy action to phase out fossil fuel use. But there is a major lack of specifics on how the new Government intends to prevent further fossil fuel infrastructure. “The Programme also promises to support community-owned renewable projects and to ramp up delivery of retrofits with a focus on lower-income households. This is precisely the climate justice approach Friends of the Earth and several other NGOs have been calling for. However, the document is lacking sufficient detail on how the new administration intends to improve housing conditions for vulnerable groups, particular renters and those in social housing.”The Draft Programme for Government can be read and downloaded here. Categorised in: Climate Change Energy Food and Farming Tagged with: Elections Faster and Fairer Climate Action Programme for Government