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Dáil debates climate change bill, Tuesday 29th November

The Dáil will tonight debate the Climate Change Targets Bill 2005. The Bill calls for regular targets to put Ireland …

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Montreal talks hold the key to saving the planet

Governments from 190 countries meet in Montréal, Quebec, Canada on from Monday 28th November to Friday 9th November for the …

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First day in Montreal - detailed NGO policy analysis

The NGOs in Montreal produce a daily newspaper, called "ECO" that has a long tradition at the UN climate …

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First Impressions of Montreal by two Friends of the Earth London staff

Katie Elliott and Joanna Watson, climate campaigners with Friends of the Earth England, Wales and …

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Friends of the Earth Condemns EPA Decision on Incinerators

Friends of the Earth Condemns EPA Decision on Incinerators PDs must now uphold their election promise Friends of the …

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Journal NATURE inists UN talks must agree emissions limits

An editorial is this weeks edition of Nature, one of the world's most reputable scientific journals, calls for any …

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