Our News

Young Friends of the Earth Activities in Poznan

A big thank you to everyone who made a fabric patch for our enormous banner! Chatting to the tireless souls who sewed them …

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Co2lonialism and a lagging EU

It is only my second full day here and I feel like I've been here for weeks. The big warm convention centre is already almost all familiar to me. …

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Arriving in Poznan

It was raining in Poznan as the bus pulled in. This was disappointing becauseI I kept hearing before I left that it was snowing in Poland. In general it is …

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Green Drinks Tuesday 4th December, 6pm South William Bar, Dublin 2

Last month's Green Drinks was a great success with a packed room upstairs at the South William Street …

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Minister and I differ over Ireland's position on emissions cuts

I expect to disagree with the Government from time to time on the positions they take on climate change policy. …

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UN Climate Talks start in Poland

The latest round of UN climate talks start in Poland today in the city of Poznan. Poznan is the birth place of Copernincus the first man to …

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