Our News
Uncertainty in Copenhagen as new draft goes down badly
RTE News The mood at the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen has changed from optimism to uncertainty, after a …
Open the door, De Boer!
What happened yesterday was a nail in the coffin for any belief I might ever have had left that the UNFCCC is an open democratic and transparent …
COP15 Blog by Ali
'This is my first trip with young friends of the earth and one of the first actions I've taken part in. There doesn't seem to be any way to ease into this …
Blog by Leah
With all the money being thrown around here you would think they could do something about the bloody heating. Maybe its a subconscious corporate lobbying tactic - …
The Machine
WEDNESDAY 16TH - The Machine Today I am not part of FoE but just representing myself. I am taking part in the bike bloc part of the Reclaim Power action. I look …
The Lows and Highs of a Day at COP15
It started as another day of inching along with the crowd seeking to register from around 9 a.m.. This time a further obstacle was …
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