Jobs alert! We've two exciting positions to fill

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Would you like to work for Ireland's leading climate campaigning organisation? We're currently recruiting for an Administrator & Operations Manager and Climate Policy Campaigner. Applications for both roles close on 9th June. Read on for details on both roles and how to apply. 

Administrator & Operations Manager

The successful candidate for this position will have responsibility to provide crucial support to the organisation, to maximise our impact and to cultivate a positive working environment.

The role's purpose will focus on office and IT management, administration support, and providing support to the CEO, Deputy CEO and the Board. The Adminstrator and Operations Manager works closely with other colleagues at all levels of the organisation


Click here to read more about this role


Climate Policy Campaigner

The successful canditate for this position will lead our climate policy analysis, deliver climate policy advocacy and support the coordination of our Faster and Fairer Climate Action campaign.

The role's purpose is to deliver our policy and advocacy work on climate and coordinate with colleagues to drive our overall campaign for “faster and fairer climate action”. The period ahead will also see our focus on campaigning for the government to deliver substantive policies and measures at local and national level to actually cut emissions across all sectors.

Click here to read more about this role



Applications for both jobs close at 23.59 on 9th June.

We'd be really grateful if you could help us spread the word about these jobs - please do consider forwarding this webpage to your contacts or retweeting our tweets about each job here and here

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