Government decision to establish Just Transition Commission welcome

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Unions and climate campaigners have been calling for this step for years

Friends of the Earth has welcomed the Government’s announcement today that it will establish a Just Transition Commission, including representatives of stakeholder groups, to advise Government on “how Ireland will deliver on its climate ambitions while ensuring no one is left behind.”

Commenting on today’s announcement, Friends of the Earth chief executive, Oisín Coghlan said:

“Friends of the Earth has been working with our allies in the trade union movement the issue of a just transition for five years now. Two years ago we launched a formal alliance calling on Government to set up a national Just Transition Commission. So today’s announcement is a very welcome step forward.

“It’s critical that there’s a space where representatives of business, unions, farmers, environmentalists and social NGOs can sit down with officials and experts to discuss how we reduce our polluting emissions fast enough to contain climate breakdown in a way that reduces poverty and inequality.

“The scientists and engineers are telling us clearly what we need to do to cut pollution but we need everything from stakeholder perspectives to community development skills to ensure Government does it fairly."

Mr Coghlan represented the Environmental Pillar on the taskforce chaired by Kieran Mulvey that drew up detailed recommendations for Government on how a Just Transition Commission should work. That report was published by Government today

“It was striking how much common ground there was among the representatives of business, unions, farmers, environmentalists and social NGOs about the need for a Just Transition Commission and how it should work. Bigger challenges lie ahead of course but the sense of commitment to fairness, solidarity and cooperation that was evident in the taskforce’s work is very encouraging”.

Friends of the Earth particularly welcomed the definition of Just Transition agreed in the taskforce’s report:

“A Just Transition to a climate neutral Ireland will build a better future for all and ensure no-one is left behind.

“This will be achieved through social dialogue, promoting decent living standards, and proactive planning to anticipate change. It will support and develop sustainable and quality jobs and employment opportunities, reskilling and training. Through investment in services, infrastructure and social protection, people and communities that may be affected by this transition will be supported in a manner that is inclusive, equitable and fair”.



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