Irish Corporate Leaders on Climate Change welcomed the publication of an outline climate Bill but expressed disappointment that the draft did not contain a 2050 target for Ireland's emissions. Corporate Leaders support the inclusion of the EU objective for 2050 of emissions reductions of at least 80%.
A spokesperson for the group said "A Climate Bill without a 2050 target will not will bring the clarity and certainty to government policy that business needs to make the long-term investment decisions needed to move to a low-carbon economy."
"Moreover, we believe that robust action on climate change will in fact help create a smarter, more competitive, more creative economy, deliver new high quality jobs, and set us on a path to a low-carbon, sustainable recovery."
Corporate Leaders looks forward to engaging with Government and the Oireachtas Committee hearings in the coming months to strengthen the Bill, before it becomes law later in 2013.
1. The Irish Corporte Leaders on Climate Change is made up of the following companies:
Bord Gais, Bord na Mona, Diageo, KPMG, NTR, Siemens, Sodexo, Vodafone
2. The Corporate Leaders communiqué on climate change legislation is online here.
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