Climate Justice: A discussion

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Climate justice is a term that has been bandied around a lot lately. But do we really understand what it means? And when we use the term, are we really upholding the principles of climate justice? Despite its recent popularity, climate justice is not a new term. The ideas that underpin climate justice in its original sense have been developed over decades by social movements such as environmental justice, trade justice and peasant movements. Key climate justice concepts such as ”climate debt” and “equity” have been developed and refined, largely by movements in the Global South - often with pushback from the Global North. With that in mind we’re hosting a webinar at 6pm on 28th October to examine the meaning of climate justice. You can join us by registering for the webinar here

Register for our webinar on Climate Justice 


CJ Webinar 28 Oct 2020

This webinar will be the first event of our 2020/2021 Learning Hub which revolves around four winning books, selected by a public vote. This first webinar will be based loosely on Mary Robinson's book “Climate Justice”. And we've invited two esteemed figures from the world of climate justice to explore the concept with us.

Nathan Thanki is a network coordinator and coalition builder at Demand Climate Justice as well as an author. He was very involved in the recent project “Framing Climate Justice” and writes at The World at 1c. Seán McCabe is a researcher with TASC, a think tank for action on social change and is currently developing a workstream on Just Transition.

Nathan and Seán will help us examine how the theoretical underpinnings of the term climate justice play out in practice. We're incredibly excited to have them on board - and we really hope that lots of people will attend the webinar to hear from them! Could you invite some friends? Perhaps you know some people who are new to the climate movement who might like to join?

We hope that webinar participants will leave with an understanding of concepts such as climate justice, just transition, fair shares and historical responsibility. And know where they can go to take action locally. Ahead of the webinar, why not pique your interest by delving into the read and watch list on Climate Justice & COVID-19. You can also get a copy of Mary Robinson's book “Climate Justice” by donating to Friends of the Earth. In fact, by signing up to donate today you can receive any one of the four books selected for Learning Hub 2020/21.

Donate to receive a book


A few weeks after the webinar on the 28th, we'll be offering a more in-depth workshop to explore ideas together - so you might like to do some reading ahead of that. In the meantime, we really hope you can join us for our first webinar on the 28th!

Register for the webinar

With thanks to Irish Aid for funding this activity