BOLD Climate Action Pre-Election Planning Workshop

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A sunny morning in Pearse Street Library was kicked off with tea, scones, and warm welcomes for the BOLD Pre-Election Planning Workshop. This session is the next step in BOLD’s work on activating and informing older people to participate and discuss the most important issues with an upcoming election in mind.


Guest speakers of the day were Oisín Coughlan and Sorcha Tunney from Friends of the Earth, who presented on how to prepare for a general election, what fast and fair climate action means, and the importance of the voice of older voters. As a group of older people, BOLD wants to harness their unique power to impact candidates on the doorstep. They can communicate their demands for meaningful State interventions and for supports that ensure that no one gets left behind in the progress towards a just transition and climate action. 


Older voters have a wealth of professional and life experiences and knowledge, and are deeply connected to their communities. They understand how issues around climate action are climate justice issues, such as housing, heat, energy costs, and reliable transport. They also understand the links with wider structural schemes around solar panels, and policies that protect food sovereignty and protect farmers’ livelihoods.

One member reflected on how far the group had come in a year. They felt that they 'must have tapped into something in the ether and the universe had taken it from there which resulted in a room full of people working together in the name of climate action with great spirit!"

The manifesto of BOLD Climate Action is here, and you can their energy poverty demands here.


The group discussed how they would like to use their power as voters, connect to friends, family, and neighbours, and connect with organisations that work with and support older people in Ireland. The powerful thing about taking action and connecting on issues with a like-minded community goes beyond policy impacts, or getting people out to vote, it also shows you that you are not isolated in your views, that there is hope, joy, and creativity to tap into. BOLD members often mention how they are worried about the future and want to take action to support better, healthier (and fossil-free) lives for future generations.


BOLD participants agreed to continue this work by forming an Election Preparation Committee. To close the session, everyone shared one word on their feelings about the meeting and how they were feeling at that moment.

Below are some of the words that were brilliantly summarised by Patricia as “Amplified and excited in Solidarity”:

BOLD Words


If you’d like to hear more - or if you'd like to join BOLD’s Election Prep Committee - you’re very welcome to email: