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2005's weather extremes a taste of things to come?

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If the global average temperature rises, so will the number and intensity of freak weather events such as flash floods, …

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EU Environment Ministers challenged to do more on climate change

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LUXEMBOURG/BRUSSELS, 17 OCTOBER 2005 -- As EU Environment Ministers agreed their approach to UN climate …

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Last chance to see paintings headed for Montreal climate talks

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Today, Sunday 16th, is the last chance to see thee exhibition of painted messages on climate change at the …

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Warmest September ever recorded worldwide

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September 2005 was the warmest since 1880, the beginning of reliable instrumental records, according to data just published by the US …

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Climate Pledge Campaign launched

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Friends of the Earth launched a campaign today to get all 166 TDs in the Dail to sign a Climate Pledge promising Ireland will do its fair …

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Friends of the Earth exhibit climate messages at Cultivate centre

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Friends of the Earth has an exhibition of painted messages urging action on climate change showing as part of …

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