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Friends of the Earth internships

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Friends of the Earth Internship Programme 2008 The Opportunity Friends of the Earth is recruiting two interns to participate in our third …

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Government shift away from incineration is welcome

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Friends of the Earth has welcomed the Minister of the Environment's statement that "incineration is no longer the …

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Stop Climate Chaos Coalition supports Climate Protection Bill

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Seanad to vote today to make government emission targets legally binding The Seanad will debate a Climate …

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Seanad to debate Climate Protection Bill

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Legislation would give government targets force of law The Seanad will on Wednesday debate a bill to give the government's new climate …

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Government climate pledge will save taxpayers €500 million

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Commitment to annual cut of 3% should be put into law Friends of the Earth has described the climate change …

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Positives in Programme for Government must be underpinned by legislation

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Carbon duty should replace existing Kyoto stealth tax immediately Friends of the Earth has welcomed …

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Showing 1340 - 1345 of 1435