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It's surely time to start counting the cost of climate change
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Irish Independent WE'RE used to changeable weather, but not like this. Since 2009 we've had widespread flooding, …
Sustaining Activism's Fire: Caring, Campaigning, Creating
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Saturday 20th April, 10am - 6.15pm, Mount Druid, Castletown Geoghegan, County Westmeath. This event is aimed at …
Minister O'Dowd confirmed that applications have been received from 2 of the 3 companies that were granted onshore licensing options
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Mr. Fergus O'Dowd T.D., Minister of State …
A climate Bill without targets? Practically pointless, says Progressio Ireland
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Progressio Ireland expresses "extreme disappointment" with the weak climate bill that …
Summary of reactions to the Government's Climate Action Bill
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The Government's Climate Action Bill was published on Tuesday 26th February. Here is a summary of the main …
Canadian Scientist to speak in Dublin about risks of hydraulic fracturing
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Friends of the Earth are delighted to be hosting an event on Fracking on Monday the 11th of March …
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