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Act Local is Friends of the Earth's campaign that gives you and your community the tools to make change. We want to help local activists be visible and vocal champions of bold climate action by decision makers.
We all need to stand up and speak out for the benefits of climate action in our communities and neighbourhoods. Everyone has a part to play. No one is too big or small, too old or young to make a difference.
Fill in the form to join the campaign and get resources and guidance on how to take action in your community.We have developed a campaigns toolkit and suggestions for topics you and your community can take action on now and see real results. Simply fill in the form and we'll email it to you.
If there’s a group in your area getting involved in Act Local we’ll also help you connect with it after you’ve signed up - if that’s of interest to you!
Sign up here to receive updates about the Act Local campaign & resources to get you started on taking action in your local area. Once you register we'll also give you the option of registering as a group.
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