Workshop: Working towards a Global Treaty to end Fossil Fuels

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Join us for an interactive online workshop on ways to kick fossil fuel influence out of politics: "Working towards a Global Treaty to end Fossil Fuels" will be focusing on the progress and future steps of this critical campaign. This is part of our Learning Hub series following on from the webinar on fossil fuel influence.

The Paris Agreement set a benchmark for global climate action, yet it fails to address fossil fuels—the main driver of the climate crisis. History shows that global treaties can effectively address global threats, such as nuclear weapons and landmines, and the momentum is building behind this proposal. A growing bloc of 13 nation-states, including Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Tonga, and others, are calling for a negotiating mandate for a new treaty on fossil fuels.

The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative is a global effort to foster international cooperation to accelerate a transition to renewable energy for everyone.

This workshop aims to review the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty campaign's achievements, including the endorsement of the treaty by several councils in Ireland, and discuss potential next steps for advancing this global initiative nationally.

Joining us to discuss next steps forward are

  • Nathan Thanki - International Project Coordinator, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
  • Lucas Snaije - Cities & Subnational Campaign Coordinator, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
  • David Rossiter - Fossil Free Campaigner Friends of the Earth Ireland)
  • And most importantly you.

Together we will reflect on the work of activists, organisations, and politicians in getting the Treaty highlighted, how we build the movement for climate justice, and where you can take part and contribute to this social change.

Look forward to seeing you there.


Online via Zoom


This event is presented as part of our 2024 Learning Hub series, funded through Irish Aid.
