Webinar: Building a Fossil Free Politics: Challenging Fossil Fuel Influence and Greenwashing

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Join us for an insightful webinar on "Building a Fossil Free Politics: Challenging Fossil Fuel Influence and Greenwashing." We know that fossil fuel corporations play an outsized role in political life across the world.

You might remember last year we took action around COP against the ‘elephant in the room’ of fossil fuel lobbyists. It took until COP 28 last year in Dubai for fossil fuels to explicitly be named in climate agreements, and a weak commitment agreed for their phase out. This was at the COP with the record number of fossil fuel lobbyists attending!

This webinar will feature speakers who are at the forefront of the fight against fossil fuel influence and greenwashing across Europe. Learn about their experiences, strategies, and the impactful work they are doing to create a just and environmentally sound future.

  • Hannah Lawrence & Lounes Dupeux - Stay Grounded
    Stay Grounded is a growing global network of initiatives, organizations, and activists working together to promote a just and environmentally sound transport system and to rapidly reduce air travel. Stay Grounded supports affected communities, conducts campaigns, performs research, and engages in policy and industry analysis. 
  • Martine Doppen - Reclame Fossielvrij (Advertising Fossil Free)
    Martine Doppen is a dedicated campaigner for Reclame Fossielvrij, an organization fighting for a ban on fossil advertising, which includes ads by the fossil fuel industry, air travel, cruises, and fossil fuel engine cars. Reclame Fossielvrij has achieved significant milestones, such as the municipality of Amsterdam banning fossil advertising and Shell being prohibited from using the term CO2 neutral. 
  • Laura Costello - Purpose Disruptors & Clean Creatives
    Purpose Disruptors is an initiative started by industry insiders who recognized the role of the advertising, marketing, and communications industry in contributing to the climate crisis through consumerism.
    Clean Creatives is a project that unites PR and ad professionals committed to a safe climate future, opposing fossil fuel clients who threaten our shared future.


This will be followed up by a participatory workshop on Monday the 29th July (also at 7PM) with representatives from the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) initiative and FoE’s anti-fossil fuel campaigner to ask - ‘what way next for the FFNPT campaign?’ Several local authorities in Ireland have endorsed the idea of this treaty - to keep fossil fuels in the ground and agree to treat them like nuclear weapons and unilaterally phase them out.

We look forward to your participation in this important discussion on challenging fossil fuel influence and promoting a fossil-free future!


Online via Zoom


This event is presented as part of our 2024 Learning Hub series, funded through Irish Aid.
