Warm Homes for All: Tenants for Climate Justice Forum

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Warm Homes for All: Tenants for Climate Justice Forum

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Are you interested in fast and fair climate action that leaves no one behind? Are you passionate about tackling emissions while also ensuring a better quality of life for everyone? Are you perhaps a tenant in either private rental or social housing?

Then come along to our online event, Warm Homes for All: Tenants for Climate Justice. In Friends of the Earth we have been consistently campaigning for extension and improvement of the government’s retrofitting program, but now we want to take that a step further. We are deepening our focus on climate justice by looking at those who are most affected by having to live in cold, leaky homes but are left with the least agency to fix it: tenants.

Whether in the private rental sector or social housing, tenants are being left out in the cold at a disproportionate rate and forced to deal with higher bills and more unhealthy, polluting fossil fuels as a result.

This event will look at how a lack of minimum energy efficiency standards in both private rental and social housing is a climate justice issue, what can be done about it, and our calls to action. We will be joined by researchers, stakeholders and hopefully yourself as we discuss how we can build a campaign to tackle poor quality housing and deliver a fossil free future at the same time.