Solidarity event: Struggles against fossil fuel multinationals' pipeline in Uganda

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Solidarity event: Struggles against fossil fuel multinationals' pipeline in Uganda

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Maxwell Atuhura is a member of the Ugandan NGO TASHA who have been fighting the controversial East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP).

He has been on the front line of numerous struggles against the multinational corporations involved in the pipeline and played a key role in the case brought against French oil giant Total. As a result he has faced intimidation and repression from the state and business interests including imprisonment.

Maxwell spoke at our 50th anniversary day of education in April and is now going to be in Ireland between the 20th and 22nd of September. In particular, he will be speaking about his campaigning from on Saturday the 21st from 3PM - 5PM in the Hideout Café, Cork. It would be great to see you there.

Repression against those organising to stop the pipeline has ratcheted up recently as mentioned above, so now is an opportune time to learn about the international struggle against fossil fuels and how we can play a part with supporting those most affected by pipeline development.

  • Date: 21st September
  • Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Venue: The Hideout Café, St. Patrick’s Place, Cork
    wheelchair accessible

If you are living in Cork make sure to register for the event now and feel free to invite other NGO and grassroots groups you are involved with.

And at the same venue we're are hosting our Cork Regional Gathering earlier in the day from 11AM to 2PM.

Hideout Café, St. Patrick’s Place, Cork