26 June 2023, 7:00pm - 8:30pm View all events We're sorry ... This event is over and booking is closed. Data centres are now using 18% of Ireland’s electricity, as much as all the urban homes in Ireland. This is forecast to grow to a staggering 30% by 2030. These data centres are guzzling huge amounts of fossil fuels and water every day and more and more data centres are applying for gas and energy connections. We have become familiar with the argument that data centres are a necessary evil. But who is really benefiting from their expansion and who is all this energy being produced for? Why is this energy guzzling industry continuing to expand in Ireland at a time when we need to reduce our energy demand? Can the industry really be made sustainable, or is this another example of greenwashing that will have profound consequences for people and planet? Join us on Monday June 26th at 7pm for what promises to be a brilliant night of discussion with researchers, activists and academics Dr. Patrick Bresnihan and Dr. Patrick Brodie on why and how we need to challenge data centre expansion in Ireland. Online via Zoom This event is presented as part of our 2023 Learning Hub series, funded through Irish Aid. Categorised in: Energy Webinars Tagged with: Energy Learning Hub No New Gas One Future