Climate Action Regional Gathering - Galway (New Date)

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Climate Action Regional Gathering - Galway

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These regional gathering events are a crucial moment to reflect on our past campaigns, assess the current political landscape, and, most importantly, plan our actions for the upcoming general election.

We are moving towards a very crucial moment for the climate. 2023 was the hottest year since records began, with 2024 likely to be hotter again. While progress is being made both at home and abroad - from improved public transport and an EU Nature Restoration law, to finally acknowledging fossil fuels in COP negotiations, none of this is reaching the ambition required to mitigate the worst impacts of global heating. Meanwhile across Europe a resurgent far-right is making inroads with anti-equality and anti-environmental policies. We have our work cut out for us.

But the task is not impossible. We have the means to rapidly address climate catastrophe in a fast and fair way; we just need to build the political will to do so. Although it is not certain, signs point towards a general election before the end of the year and we need to be prepared to seize this opportunity.

You can expect presentations on our current election demands and interactive workshops on communicating climate action. Learn effective strategies for engaging others in climate conversations, inspiring action within your community, and make plans to take these into the real world.

  • Date: 2nd November
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Venue: Áras na nGael, 45 Dominick St Lower, Galway

Áras na nGael, 45 Dominick St Lower, Galway