Demand Minister Ryan Advocates for a Fossil-Free Future at the UN Summit of the Future

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The climate crisis is not just looming; it's here and at a critical tipping point. Fossil fuels, the primary culprit, are pushing us to the brink. The latest draft of the UN proposed agreement, called the "Pact for the Future," now has a specific commitment where Heads of States "decide to... transition away from fossil fuels" which is a welcome step forward compared to earlier drafts that did not even mention fossil fuels. Governments must ensure this language remains in the final Pact, and ensure their actions match this rhetoric to address the urgent need to phase out fossil fuels and ensure a just transition for the most affected communities.

This Summit is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reshape global cooperation for the better. At the summit, we need Minister Ryan to stand up for our future by pushing for the inclusion of a clear commitment to end fossil fuel extraction and endorse the development of a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Take our e-action today and demand Minister Ryan advocates for a fossil-free future at the UN Summit of the Future.

Join Friends of the Earth Ireland in demanding that Minister Ryan:

  • Advocate for an end to new fossil fuel extraction and a just phase-out of existing production.
  • Support financial and technological aid for countries reliant on fossil fuels to transition to renewable energy and sustainable economies.
  • Call for an immediate ban on fossil fuel extraction in ecologically sensitive areas.
  • Endorse the development of a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to secure global cooperation on phasing out fossil fuels.

This is our chance to ensure the UN Pact for the Future includes real, actionable commitments to protect our planet and future generations. Minister Ryan has the power to lead - let's ensure he knows we're counting on him.

Take our e-action today, and demand Minister Ryan advocates for a fossil-free future at the UN Summit of the Future.

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